
Construction related posts, news and articles.

Black Trump Initiative: A special thanks to Governor and co.

It’s a bit of luck that I was invited into the zoom meeting by Governor. If I were to take only one thing from this webinar it would be the will and particular focus in making connections with industry and current colleagues. Finding meaning and potentially a career should be and is founded upon dirtying your hands and getting them stung. You might actually like the bite.

Black Trump Initiative: A special thanks to Governor and co. Read More »

Do you need to brand your construction company?

With large companies drastically downscaling their permanent workforce and outlier expenses over the last 15 years. One might ask “Is there reason to brand, given larger companies seem to be, seemingly, getting smaller?” Does branding still have relevance today? via GIPHY The answer, this article, is a resounding YES! Yes, for your clients, yes for

Do you need to brand your construction company? Read More »