I blog to learn, grow and share

We grasp concepts faster when we share and engage with others. I’m open to opportunities related to the development industry.

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Construction Articles

Articles on all things construction from the perspective of a construction enthusiast/student. 

Do you need to brand your construction company?

 “Is there reason to brand, given larger companies seem to be getting smaller?”

The 5 most visible construction firms in zimbabwe

While the industry is still yet to massively improve its media game. Here is my top 5 companies acing it through witty design language.


Property Development Articles

Videos and articles on all things development from the perspective of a property development student and later on, development professional. 

Understanding REITs

…. Before going into that, however, I find it necessary to visit the mission behind the existence of REITs as this will make it easier to understand the innovative structure.

What is Property Development ?

…. That job title would be way too broad. The term is therefore bestowed on those with a track record of serially providing housing and office space to the market.


Free Pen Writing

Some of my personal and freelance articles across the business and personal spectrum.

My first shot at "I'm a writer".

I know it’s been a long time coming. I still remember wondering how it would feel like to post an article on the internet let alone start an entire blog. Well here is the prelude!

Metal made to depict human sorrow

NASH nationals was my worst debate tournmant. Trust me, I won.

We only had 2 hours to prepare to debate against national teams that had prepared for 3 months, madness. Fast forward to the next day and you’ll find me head in hands near tears.

More Blog Posts

Emigration in Zimbabwe: Losing the People War

The Best Property Podcasts to listen to in 2023

Understanding REITs

What is property development in Zimbabwe?

Loving the RBZ is a hard job

Curiosity did not kill me; it got my business though.

ZICOSU launches sabotage vibes strategy?

NUST First Week First Impressions

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