The 5 most visible construction firms in Zimbabwe

As a result of my construction obsession, I tend to keep an eye out for branded assets and sites. I’ve become so accustomed to seeing today’s companies at work. Going a week without seeing them leaves me with a sense of loss. I know that makes me seem obsessed. I promise I’m only slightly obsessed.

The following companies list is not exhaustive nor in any particular order and is more personal opinion. It is not a conclusive report on the industry members’ activities backed up by their accounting information and all that. I feel my experience as a website developer and social media manager/content curator largely for companies within the construction industry gives me a unique eye to complete this list. Not forgetting that I’m now a student of the Built Environment and have ambitions too.

The companies listed in this blog post made it through consistent social media posting and engagement, proper use of their websites, corporate email and visibility of their branding. This includes branding on site, machinery, workforce and corporate vehicles. I’ve also included honourable mentions. These companies are excelling at one or some of the factors listed above but for one reason or the other do not make the list.

If you feel I left out a company you feel needs to be on the list please comment or contact me on I’ll then go over the company’s digital footprint and consider adding it right here. Without wasting too much…time? words? 🤦🏽‍♂️ Let’s get into it!

  1. Picco Construction

Credits: Picco Construction[/caption]

Picco Construction probably has the best LinkedIn page among Zimbabwean construction companies. The page has featured highlights such as the Indian Government in a tri-way agreement between the company and the Zimbabwean government. Zeb Tsikira (real estate goons this is your cue to howl) also featured on most of Picco’s media channels after starting work on cluster homes that are also a collaboration with Picco. Not to forget the site branding, oh man the site branding alone made me dream about working for/with Picco Construction. lol if that site branding is an add-on, I’m gladly adding that to the BOQ.

  1. Grand Homes Construction

Credits: Grand Homes[/caption]

While Grand Homes is better known as an estate housing provider and estate/property developer. The company has its own construction department responsible for the excellent visuals that grace their Instagram account. Grand Homes is one of those sites that seems to be handing out a lot of house porn and given that’s my new way of doom scrolling my time, I guess I’ll be binging on more of them in future. 

If you’re into residential construction or are a student interested in high ticket residentials. Grand homes’ “futuristic designs” focus will surely having you learning more on the job than you ever thought reasonable. Fun bunch by the looks of work.

  1. Exodus and Company

Credits: Exodus and Company[/caption]

Now get this, not many construction companies out there have a website that makes makes me jealous but Exo is the exception. From the content curated on the site to language designed pictures. Exodus and Company really feel like they have a dedicated web dev team working flat out to make sure the client is well represented.

At the time of writing, coinciding with my registration at NUST, the company has about 5 YouTube videos available for public view. 3 of the five videos focus on women empowerment but are rather too short for my liking. An interesting find is that their Instagram content is actually better polished than the rest of their social channels. It may be the case that they are still learning the ropes and being careful with media production but I’m begging for longer form content at the moment, c’mon Exodus!! more content!!!

  1. Haven Construction

Credits: Haven Construction[/caption]

Haven Construction is the engagement magnet of the entire list, apart from the house porn provider that is Grand Homes. The construction company specialises in agricultural construction and regularly shares concepts and plans for said specialised constructions. The plans and concepts seems to have attracted a crowd of its own, the engagement rates for the Facebook page is impressive. I actually use their account as a benchmark for engagement and frequency of posts when working with new construction firm clients on Facebook. The company also recently went into the production side of construction instead of simply building the infrastructure needed. While I’m not one for agriculture, I really am interested in seeing how far their new venture goes. That reminds of Fossil Construction which while actually famous did not have enough media visibility to warrant an addition to this month’s list.

Honourable Mentions

  1. Masimba Construction

The biggest reason why Masimba is not in the list above is it being listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. I felt this gave it the unfair advantage of having a much larger pool of resources to play with. The company though would have made it by physical brand presence, Masimba has its brand processes to the nail when it comes to branding their assets. The website not so much though, it’s not really functional and does not give you the window to peer inside the company as other kids on this list have done. Movement on the media scene on Masimba’s part would cause a stir in market share for residential construction anyways if they are active in that area.


  1. Paragon Engineering

Paragon is a construction and project management consultancy. It comes as a bit of a surprise to see the amp up their media visibility given that most of their clients should mainly be construction companies themselves. I guess if you love your work there’s no stopping you from inviting others to peep inside. Great for talent attraction.


  1. Consha Construction

I know I know, Consha should have been part of the 5 listed but there’s a reason I promise. The reason is simple, design language. Consha have their design language down to the dot. Pick any poster they’ve posted on their Instagram and Facebook and you’ll find similarities. There’s a problem however, most of the content I write on this site is aimed at construction professionals and construction industry students. Consha leaves a gaping hole which is only growing after each and every post because of the salesy nature of them all. 

All posts are client faced and to-date I have not seen an actual site on the social. Their website is a different vibe which -unfortunately for the writer of this article- is having technical difficulties hampering visibility and probably their SEO (I’m a techie too you know).

  1. Techno Expert Construction

Bulawayo’s darling company Techno Expert Construction is Omni-present in the CBD; you’ll rarely see a site in the Bulawayo CBD that does not have a Techno Expert board. The likes of Consha Construction and Actual Construction have been making good in roads in their presence perceptibility too and soon Techno will have to up their media game to look all the more rounded. Techno’s website does not represent the company’s stature at all, maybe they are going to upgrade it son.

In Ending

This list should change as time constantly does. While more has to be done to improve the industry’s image. I briefly mention some importance’s of construction branding, click here to read the article. Creating a consistent and coherent media visibility is hard for any company. These are set specific skills that often require a dedicated team member to carry out the roles. The gaps in media visibility are not only a Zimbabwean problem but are really worldwide. Kudos to the companies that have been taking the time and resources out to make it work. Not only does it give access to clients and improve a company’s reputation but also provides the means by which future employees and current employees will garner whether they stay or for the former join the team. 

Given that I’ll recommend construction companies primarily on work quality and media visibility, I would also bet that the companies listed above would be my recommendation go-tos. If you have any company you want to be featured in this post or future posts, email me.

Some might already know this, I’m starting school at NUST soon and will be sharing my first impressions in 2 weeks. Keep tabs, keep the FOMO.


3 thoughts on “The 5 most visible construction firms in Zimbabwe”

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