NUST First Week First Impressions

Wednesday, the SRC managed to convince me not to want to do anything in regards to their structure. All’s well in the politic game but I don’t know what I or even they expected.

Ahh, the topic of high schooler’s fantasies, parties hopes and dreams. Funny thing about that is whoever fed us varsity news seems to have left out the disclaimer. I’m already busier than I ever thought I’d be. The National University of Science and Technology is not joking around, yet.

To start off. I’m probably the worst person to do an impressions blog post because of two main reasons. First is my -at times- crippling social anxiety when there’s no “need” to be social. The lesser of the two is the predicament I have found myself in. One that I could have avoided easily had I known any better. For lack of better scenarios, my impression of NUST will revolve around the two aforementioned glitches.

 Some Glitches for context

If you were to leave me in a room full of people and no task at hand for a full three days. You’d be disappointed to find I’d have only spoken to at most 2 individuals. Why? Simple, without a target that needs me to be social, I’m rather introverted. For a taste, day 2 involved me spending most of my time actually working on client projects instead of “bonding” or finding alliances or whatever you’d call it. If anyone has been taking particular note of my behaviour they’d be confused. When the class seemed at loss on what was coming next or just you know, lost! I’d be the one to step out and find that beacon. Often finding a social side only to go quiet once that is done.

The biggest glitch is found the fine print, nay. In bold letters the website’s portal and application forms were adorned with entry requirements for each programme offered at the university. Your truly did not read those and ended up in Property Development and Estate Management. My choice of programme was Construction Management and since the initial plan had been to attend WITS I had, conveniently I met add, decided to get out of my slightly abusive relationship with pure mathematics. In pure start-up fashion I pivoted to staying in Zimbabwe, small money’s birth place.

Becoming Fossilised at NUST

To be fair I did read the entry requirements a bit prior to orientation week. I also assumed that all this would be resolved by a simple transfer to Construction management. So imagine the hot flash that momentarily engulfed me when I realised I’m going to need around 5 years to complete my honours. I’ll be 26 by then. If you’ve ever heard someone regretting the gap years they took, they probably sat in my position when the trumpet sounded. I’ll need another year to log A’ level Math before transferring to my soul’s breath, drama I know.

The Dark Alley next to the Bank.

It took me a little while to come to terms with bad decisions made in 2019 but the positives have since been coming to light. With my phone, a Sony, quitting on me just as I started school my YouTube ambitions have run up a dead alley, next to the bank. I really wanted my channel to be in vlog format instead of a stationary shot format, that’s scrapped now. The alley is made higher by the content I had curated being well forced to lie dormant for a year now. Then there’s the bank that I’m hoping does not turn into a blood/sperm bank.

The bank hosts a possibly enjoyable opportunity to diversify the content I produce into say; Property Development 101. I did notice a gap in this segment with a saturated end, most people talking about property are on the “buy, build or sell a house” segment. The gap I speak which may again not have that much search traffic nor demand is on the student developer side. Student developer sounds nice, lol I digress.

Done right I could actually gain the right curiosity into property development and its management. The end goal after all is to build real estate from a construction background.

The First Week: Orientation Week

Ever been in a bank queue? No? Please come right this way and become a NUST student. We promise you an excellent queue experience in at least 3 gruelling weather conditions! Man the lines were long!

Where’s that timetable? Oh yes, Monday was actually exciting having the DEAN address us accompanied by the Senior Assistant Registrar and ICT personnel. It was the basic conduct and what to expect speech but that “Mama I made it” feel could be felt in the entire room.

Tuesday, the lines began. That bank line you were thinking of is a push over compared to this snake. Now to be fair, most staff were dealing with exams and marking and all that so they could be forgiven. I did not even get to the front of the line; I did get church invites though lol.

Wednesday, the SRC managed to convince me not to want to do anything in regards to their structure. All’s well in the politic game but I don’t know what I or even they expected. We’re new, we’re already tired, we can’t be shouting… what was that again? MAHUSA(?) and MABUSA(?) every 2 minutes. Since we’re on populist tactics, cookies or canteen coupons would have riled us up. If the SRC is reading this, hi and next time? The student affairs address was fine by me, it eased my fears of having an uncontrolled environment become my learning zone, kudos to the staff team for that.

Thursday. All I remember from this day is the library systems orientation which was interesting, the team seems dedicated to what many may think a mundane job. Looking into it now, that may very well become my hiding spot. The rest of the day involves a queue and that’s pretty much it. I queued till my legs hurt.

Friday. Minerva cards collection which I did not collect, in all fairness I was caught up in something and had to attend to it outside campus. Friday also became the day I became familiar with the name Mudiwa Hood, a gospel artist who seems to be a point of attraction. He hosted a lecture which unfortunately could not attend but kudos to the work he is putting in to be a religious artist and still garner the attention of many. The again, I might be missing something here.

Orientation wise, that really was it. Not much to dwell over but an interesting week for those who had lost touch with their social weaknesses. You see why I need video content? Delivery would be much more enunciated, maybe just maybe we’ll get to publish that come November.

 Man I’m looking forward to catching my de-rusting Ls as I re-join the debate circuit. Till then, let me get my camera and audio equipment sorted. Until next week. For more about me or simply content, click here.

In Short:

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